Are you experiencing some problems with Outlook Express? May be you should check whether your .DBX file size for any folder has exceeded its 2 GB limit. Outlook Express stores every email in a special file that has the .DBX extension. This file extension is available for every folder in your mail accounts, i.e. your Inbox folder has its own Inbox.dbx file, while Outbox has a separate one for itself. However, all these files have a 2GB capacity, which can easily surpassed if mails with attachment like images, documents, music and videos are commonly sent. On reaching the 2 GB limit you are prevented from further placing messages, which unfortunately cannot be deleted to reduce folder size. This situation is very annoying and can only be fixed in two ways: Wipe out an entire DBX file and then recreate a new file, which is empty. This action destroys all messages in the file, so it cannot be retrieved. Repair your Outlook Express folder employing special tools. The first option is ...